18 April 2020 - Think of something you dislike, and look at it with eyes of love

Woolly sock transformation - Fiona Hewerdine



Cold to the Marrow.

Cold without hope.

Cold to the bone.



I hate being cold

Can’t be from my Scottish genes.

Everything implodes in the cold:

Student flat with dripping windows

The perishing icy blast through that man-made jumper I shouldn’t have bought

The damp firewood that won’t light

And you cry in the air that makes you think of soldiers on the front.

Cold in mud

Cold in isolation

Cold in bootless feet


So how to find the love, to see it differently

A snowflake blessing to my thinking

Find that resistance to the cold, find that thistledown gene from the Highlands

Where are you?

You are mountains frosted with snow

Dragon breath as you exhale

The thought of porridge, only able to give you that Ready Brek glow because of your chilled fingers

Tramping the Milford track in 80 mile an hour winds and horizontal rain

The cold unites all of us.

Toss your undies on the pot belly fire to drive out to the damp

Pancake knickers and bra. Laughter as you string each other’s clothes over the tiny two-log fire

Ah the joy of cold

Nose of a Healthy dog

Tingling fingers and toes at a Christmas fair

It’s been good to turn my hate inside out

A warm woolly sock experience on a cold barefoot day

Hella Bauer